Thursday 26 March 2009

Day 1 4/3/09

WHoo! This is what we been looking forward for! Wuhan!!!! The moment we departure there, we took a deep breath. Guess what!? My friends and I told one another “woo.. China FEEL!” . Though it is freezing but we feel great as we rarely have a chance to feel the icy breeze. Without wasting any minute, we took bus to our hostel which is within the WUST. Most of us are asleep while in the bus but Shugen and I were singing all the way as the journey was about 3 hours. We were assigned to our rooms. The moment we enter our rooms, we were like “WA~!” as it was better than what we expected. We unpack our clothes and reorganise to make our room more spaces.
After unpacking our luggage, we head straight to WUST canteen. Guess what?! They have two floors of canteen! With their super value food, it really spellbinds us to eat their food! Negatively, their food is tremendously oily and spicy! But still.... we just have one sentence floating in our mind. “Just eat! Only $1 SIN! Eat till we satisfied!
After our dinner, we straight back to our rooms and get ready for tomorrow. After all, we were all worn-out.

Their food is actually very unhealthy unlike local they implemented that we have to eat healthy by requesting for less oil less sugar more vegetables etc.
Temperature at night is much more different from the noon.
They can horn their vehicles like nobody business as they seems very impatient.
Things are very different from Singapore for example their culture and the food.

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