Monday 30 March 2009

Day 27 30/03/09

This morning lesson starts at 10am. I tried canteen 1’s (Jah Jian Mian). It was not as oily as canteen 1. As usual, after having our lunch, we head to foreign language school to have our lesson. We were told to complete Lab 6 by today. At first, I thought well… it should be ok. But I didn’t realize the Lab 6 part B I am struggling in doing it. In the afternoon, we had to complete our tutorial 6 and start doing lab 6. We knew it that we couldn’t finish all at once. So we decided to have dinner first then go back to our bunk and do.
At night, my group gathered in the living room doing the lab together. We were very frustrated as the programming kept appeared to have error. After struggling for 4 hours, I left one error that I still couldn’t solve. So I thought tomorrow I have to ask Mr. Ma regarding that error.

Lab 6 was a very difficult programming to do. But still I realize that if at least I do put in an effort to do, I might manage to complete it. At least I did try to do.

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