Monday 20 April 2009

Photo Essay- ( FOOD )

This picture shows a stall selling alot of different kinds of food. You can pick any kind and owner will fry it which is very interesting. You wont get to see this in Singapore. All this are freshly deep fry for you.

Here is other stall using different method. The seller barbeque for you. The process is that he will barbeque and put on alot of seasoner with alot of chilli oil. While compare to Singapore, we normally marinate the food before we barbeque it.

This picture of fried rice looks delicious but do not be decieved by the looks. The amount of oil and salt hey add in to fry was really alot. You maybe wondering if their oil and saltare free!

One example on how they fry their fried rice with their hands! Bet their hands are very hot and painful as they endure the heat and sizzling.

This picture was taken at night where they dispose their leftover food and paper bowls. Incredible dirty and the amount will just keep on increasing. With the stink and rubbish, you dare not go near it.

You may have got to all kind of fast food resturant, but this is very different. In China, you get to see Chinese and English signbroad with very interesting names on it.

We normally have drinks in can or in plastic bottles. In China, we usually get drinks in glass bottles with Chinese word on it.

Here is one picture that he make the noodle on the spot and serve hot to you.

We usually get this kind of bread in China. In Singapore, we hardly can get this kind of bread with flavours.

This cucumber dish was served. Though it looks very yummy and delicious but it was very oily!

This is how they kept their rice before being serve to customers.

In China, they like to serve in very large portion where as in Singapore they like serve in very small portion. This is one of the example shown in picture where the bowl contains about 40+ fishballs.

This is some of the sauces they used to served customers. As you can see, they made use of plastic water bottles maybe they want to recycle.

You will be suprised to hear this. This picture shows that they serve passion fruit juice in HOT! There is cold too. In contrast, Singapore doesn't have juice serving in HOT.

This is how they normally serve us rice and we have to scoop it ourselve where as in local, we will be serve rice individually.

This is how they set up their stall and sell thier food like this in this picture.

This is one alternative method on how to fry the dumlings. We normally deep fry dumplings in Singapore.

Pardon their English in China as you can see in this picture that the word should be "meat" not "meet".

This picture shows a Chinese ramen noodles. It is very common in China; can be found anywhere.

This is one very bad example that after they ate their food, they just litter as and when they like. In Singapore, we hardly find any uncivilization action out there.

Saturday 18 April 2009

Day 41 13/04/09

Sadly this was our last day in Wuhan. Though all of us wanted to go back home badly but we also sort of have the feelings we had in Wuhan. Memories of happiness, sadness, the stress we had and the days with my buddies. We woke up at 12 and do a final touch up as we don’t want to pack our luggage at the very last minute. I had too many things to stuff in my luggage and ended up Nick, Kenneth and shu gen brainstorming and redo my packing of luggage.

Around 1pm, we went out near school to get our friend’s presents. After shopping, we went to help Ben to carry the drinks and snack for the closing ceremony. At 3 pm we went to take a group photo at outside of our campus. We took many idiotic shots, as this will be the last time taking group photos together in WUST. After that, about 5pm we went to foreign language school to have our closing ceremony. We had did some final interacting with the students, and took photos with them as a memory in Wuhan. In addition, we also played games and dance with them too. And I am the one who was been sabotage by my friends and got to go up the stage to dance with them. Well since it would be the last time here in Wuhan, well might as will be supportive right?! Haha.. I bet all of us will miss one another when leave the place.

Mr Ma and Mr Ann gave final last speech to us and farewells. At that point of time, I can really felt that my days in Wuhan were really ending and really miss every single thing at there! We then headed out to watch the firework display held at open space between the foreign language school and Business school. Well… I did played a lot of fire crackers but I realised this was different from what I used to play. After awhile, I knew it. It was because I am playing with my best friends and with my teachers. I really appreciate what Mr ma and Mr chua that really guide us and bring us enjoyment this period of time. Time really flies fast. When i was first week in wuhan, I told myself that oh man… China!? I prefer Singapore man. But now, I couldn’t bear to leave China, maybe you will get to understand me if you got to stay there for 6 weeks,
AND!!! With a bunch of best friends! (Gay friends forever man!!! To Shugen, Jia Hui, Kenneth, Nicki, Stefen, Jit Shiong, Ernest and Ben!) Not only that I had made a lot of very funny and good friends like Xin rong, Zhi hui , Chewy and others!

Anyway, I can’t wait to get back Singapore to see my grandmother and my family man! So miss them! Well… This trip, seriously, it was the best trip so far in my life man!

Sunday 12 April 2009

Day 40 12/04/09

This will be the last day of my journal, but sadly today I didn’t went out much but still I will talk what I did today. Wake up late in the morning as i didn’t go Lu Xiang. Kenneth and others will there but I didn’t as I want to control my financial assets and I need to do journal.

At 3pm, I went to eat as not that hungry. After eating, went back to bunk and rest till night. I was waiting for the fireworks tonight but as the weather condition was raining cats and dogs, sadly but to change the fireworks programme to tomorrow.
So at night, we bought a lot of drinks and tibits, stay out till the next morning.
By 4am, a lot of people were tired. Xin rong got tired and went up to Ben's room to sleep. Dave, chewy and others fall asleep half way through. Only shugen, Kenneth, stefen, Nicki, Ernest and I talk a lot of topics and even question one another questions that can’t be explain. There is a question keep make me wondering for awhile. Why are we born here in this world? We also talk about religions about how realistic and how unrealistic is it. Some doubt their own religion and some talk about how they feel. Well, through this I really get to know all my friends very well and it is a very good way of expressing things out.

Day 39 11/04/09

This morning, after we ate in school we went to yellow crane tower area there to shop. We have 10 people. Shew Bo, Ben, Kenneth, Shugen, Zhi hui, Chewy, Xin rong, Jit Shiong, Ernest and me. Zhi hui, Chewy, Ben and Xin Rong took a cab while the others and me took a min van.
Here comes the show of the day! The driver says 80rmb to the place and so we accepted the deal and he drove us there. Half way through there, the driver drove a small path which was 1 way only with only 1 lane. Suddenly there was a car drove opposite our direction and both vehicles stop there. The car owner shout out loud say shift back and he insisted. Our driver was kind hearted and actually wanted to drove the van backward but there were lots of cars behind the van. Ended up all the cars behind our van walked out of their cars and started scolding the car owner. At 15minutes later, the car owner finally decided to reverse the car and allow all the vehicles to pass. At this moment, when our van slowly drove out the car reverse and bang the van. This time, our driver was really pissed off by the action done by the car driver. So my driver get down and confronted the car driver. It was the car drive fault but he insisted that is not his fault and not to pay money for the scratch. The van driver was pissed off and got a spanner from the van and hit him. That moment, the tension was very nervous. At this time, the van driver told us politely that this situation will take awhile, and requested us to get another van. He says that the China police is not efficiency, will take quite while to settle this situation. We ask how should we pay him then, he say no need, he doesn’t want to give us a bad day.
We told him it is ok and gave him 50rmb as we felt that it was not his fault to cause this problem. We took another cab to destination and cost 10rmb.
We shop awhile and I bought a purse for my grandma, for her to use it in market.
I also made a photo frames at there and have to collect it on Monday. In Singapore, the frame cost me about SIN$60 for one while here only cost me 30rmb! Worth a lot! In here, the shops can mostly bargain while in Singapore can’t. About 3pm, we went to eat the Tang Bao and went back to school to rest as there will be fireworks tonight.

In evening, Mr ma told us fireworks changed to tomorrow due to the rain. So I and the others went to outside to get the t shirt brand “playboy” and go back to bunk to do our journals.
Today, I get to know that China people are generally unreasonable due to one situation i had encountered today. And they like to blames others but it was actually his fault.

Day 38 10/04/09

We woke up this morning 9.45am as planned and when to canteen 2 to eat. Save some money for shopping so have to be budget. We took the public bus to IT mall as we thought of getting more MP4 for our relatives and friends. After we reached there, we realised that the road stalls outside the mall wasn’t open. After checking with the locals, it only opens in the Saturday and Sunday. HOW SAD! So we decided to try searching it in the malls. How surprise!
We found the Ipod but after long decisions we bought back the mp4 we had, as the fake Ipod is very lousy. No wonder it is made it China.

Then we took cab to Han kou to shop for more stuff! I ended up bought 2 umbrellas, 1 dress for my sister, 2 clothes and 1 pair of shoe! Oh ya.. I happened to see this scene. There was a sport shop where all the sales people gather outside the shop. They do briefing outside the shop, and after that they end with a JIA YOU mean they will work hard to pull up the sales. I also bought some souvenirs for my friends. You will be wondering why I bought 2 umbrellas right? Their design of the outer umbrella is actually a wine bottle, very creative!

At night, we went back to school to have our dinner, and went back to do our IS project.

Day 37 9/04/09

Wake up late this morning, as usual went to canteen 2 to eat. After that, we went to foreign language school to have our mini project interview. After we reached, one by one all of us present our project; explain how it works and the usefulness to it. We also show our Lab 7 as we haven’t shown it to Mr ma. After the interview, we asked how Mr Ma’s leg is, hopefully he can recover fast and advised him again not to drink beer or eat beans stuff. Then we head back to our bunk to do our IS individual assignment till evening.

At night, all of us started to do our IS project. Quite stress up as the topic isn’t that easy as i thought. About 12 odd, Shugen fall asleep while doing, next Kenneth and Jia hui. So we continue it tomorrow.

Thursday 9 April 2009

Assignment 4: Individual Report - 15%

I have achieved what I set out to learn and discover during this period in Wuhan to a large extent. There are a lot of factors that actually helped me achieve my objectives.

Firstly in this trip, there were a lot of outings that bring us to different places. One of them is the metal steel factory on how they produce steel. Normally the industry doesn’t allow unauthorised people to go in. We manage to get in as the school negotiated with them. Other than that, we also visited the company of Yangtze Optical fibre. Not only that, the duration in China, I discover a lot of their style, their life in China. Our teachers also helped us achieve our objectives.

Some obstacle that I face was the food. Though the food was good but the amount of salt, the oil was a lot more than I expected to be. In order to prevent sickness, I drink a lot of water. And there is another obstacle that is I doesn’t know how to wash my clothes, till i learn from my friends on how to wash clothes to overcome my obstacle.

I have learned a lot of things. As told that I went to the company of Yangtze Optical fibre, I have learned the process of how they made the fibres. The 3 stages are first is to clean the glass rod, second is to melt the glass to form glass wire and being coated twice of special chemical. Thirdly, is to have the product inspect session.

After visiting some scenic places like the museum, Wudang shan , yellow crane tower. I learned a lot of the great history of China, like the romance of the 3 kingdom.
I also have lesson that introduce Chinese traditional thoughts, and the Feng Shui lesson. It was very interesting as I can understand what the Chinese are thinking, the way of doing things. I have learnt some feng shui like the bed shouldn’t face directly in front of the door which is a bad feng shui.

For shopping, while I was shopping in Wuhan, I realised that international brand is expensive than local. And for their own brand like 361 degrees, peak etc are much cheaper a lot. And have a lot of roadsides stalls at night. They also sell puppies at roadsides and you can either cook it or adopt it. Compare to Singapore, it was way too different. In Singapore, you are aware of not to litter etc. Over in China, people just split saliva on the floor, litter anywhere everywhere. In shopping mall, citizens were told not to smoke in there but nobody bother to care the sign broad and smoke inconsiderate.

After I reviewed the questions i framed, I have found most of the answers in China. Firstly, I had understand on how the style of life they live, the standard of living. Did an observation on how they make their deals and how they communicate. Secondly, after boarded the cruise, and visited the 3 gorges dam. I get to know their technology and those magnificent structures which they created. It can manipulate the water level and produce mass electricity current. Thirdly, I get to know the lifestyle in China. And their daylight end earlier than Singapore. At 7pm it is completely dark. Went to their IT mall and explore. Their IT mall are a lot much bigger than Sim lim. Regardless inside the shopping mall or outside at the roadside, everywhere they sells electronic stuff. Forth, after I stayed in China, I can understand how bad the pollution they made, like black thick smokes out from the car’s exhaust pipe. Now i can understand why China is rank first that release most carbon dioxide.
Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get to see a lot of their martial arts through i heard China are very famous in it. One area I got to see was only at the Wudang Shan which was nothing much.

After I attend the China’s lecture on Business negotiation, business etiquette, Business strategy, I understand a lot of things and will use it in future. I can practice these skills as so ijn future i can use it to deal with client easily.

I truly understand the cross cultural issues the difference of both country Singapore and China.
China has a lot of areas that need to improve like corruption unlike Singapore. Singapore has some areas that can also learn which was like how they preserve the history of past, the culture, uses natural resources to produce electricity current.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Intercultural Readiness Self Assessment

Characteristic: Open-mindedness
Current Self estimate: 70
Target after trip: 80
When I come here, I will have to learn their style of doing things, thus have to be open minded. Expose to more undiscovered things, to have a clearer image of the outside world, and to develop a better mindset.

Characteristic: Respect for other belief
Current Self estimate: 80
Target after trip: 90
I have learned to respect regardless of race, language and religion in Singapore. Thus, coming to China, I have to accept their language, culture and to respect them equally.

Characteristic: Trust in other beliefs
Current Self estimate: 70
Target after trip: 75
I trust each and everyone, as trust is the key to make the team work very good, strong and able to communicate well. We also have to trust our teachers, without their knowledge, we can’t extent the limit of learning.

Characteristic: Tolerance for discomfort
Current Self estimate: 55
Target after trip: 70
I may have used staying in Singapore, and now living in China, have to tolerate their way of doing things like shit in public, bang one another like it is alright to get banged.

Characteristic: Tolerance for discomfort
Current Self estimate: 50
Target after trip: 75
Doubts always occur anywhere, anytime. In times like this, we have to manage things and try to handle it well.

Characteristic: Patience
Current Self estimate: 50
Target after trip: 85
At times I can get very impatience. But I realized that patience can lead to my goals easily. Don’t rush all at once and try to handle things well.

Characteristic: Sense of personal control
Current Self estimate: 60
Target after trip: 80
As living in China, I learned to control my own behavior, my finance, my health and in food. And living in hostel with friends, have to learn to forgive and forget.

Characteristic: Interpersonal skills
Current Self estimate: 50
Target after trip: 70
I need to improve my Chinese as effective communication to give myself a good impression and able to express things easily. It can to clear any misunderstandings.

Characteristic: Willingness to take initiative
Current Self estimate: 60
Target after trip: 85
I won’t get to learn any unless I take initiative to learn, to take. Taking initiative can also improve group relationships and to also to help one another to greater level.

Characteristic: Willingness to take risk
Current Self estimate: 50
Target after trip: 90
Without risk, I may not learn more things even if it is a bad or good situations, I should try it out. In order to understand the outside world well.

Characteristic: Sense of humor
Current Self estimate: 70
Target after trip: 80
Sense of humor is one of the areas to please people. In future, in work or talking with people, I can use this area to express myself in a better way.

Characteristic: Curiosity about other cultures
Current Self estimate: 50
Target after trip: 90
I always very eager to discover their culture, their world. In Singapore, there is a limit of knowledge. In China, I can understand other religions like Taoism.

Characteristic: comfort level with strangers
Current Self estimate: 10
Target after trip: 70
I dislike talking to strangers as I don’t know their character well. But over in China, I will need to communicate with the people over there.

Day 36 8/04/09

Wake up late in the morning, went to canteen 2 to eat lunch. Then I went to the school beside to get a spectacle cost me 106rmb just the frame with degree. Well… it is considering cheap compare in Singapore which cost about S$70++.

Then we went back to bunk to do our IS self assignment. It took me quite awhile to do as I am not using my brain well. Anyway most of us fall asleep in the afternoon as we were tired and lazy.

At 5pm, was awake by shu gen and we went to the club to play table tennis. Well… We had some fun over there. Oh… also, I went to do 5 minutes exercise in the gym! After gym, we went to canteen 2 to eat as shugen and I still not fit to eat oily food. After canteen 2, we went outside of the school to get tian yuan. About 10balls for 2rmB!!!! CHEAP! CHEAP!

Day 35 7/04/09

All of us woke up at 7.30, as we had some adventure programme or should have said as bonding session. We were late by 10 minutes the time we reached. Ben was angry as all of us were late and as Mr chua wasn’t happy with our actions. Mr chua also said that in the outside world, China people and India country are invading our country for our jobs. We can see our country is in chaos. If have a Chinese or India boss, must not be late and have to be double hardworking. If late by 5 minutes, you get fired!

We played some bonding games with our own ECE division while waiting for the MDE division people to come.

After they arrived, we quickly split into teams of 4, and played a game called roller tank. Through my team got 2nd in place, I realize that with great team work lead to success. Success not only comes with teamwork, but also brainstorming together, put all the ideas together.

After the games, it’s time for lunch!!!! We lead the MDE division to eat fishballs soup as the area is famous for fishballs. After eating fishballs, I quickly go back to bunk and rest as I felt abit of unwell again so in the afternoon session, so I didn’t go for the afternoon session. Well... SO hope to go but illness stop me.

At night, I tried and complete my project, and rest a lot at night as still have a bit of sick.

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Day 34 6/04/09

Well, today I had APPG remedial lesson in the morning at 10am taught by Mr chua. Well I recalled back as Mr chua revised through with us. In the afternoon, my sickness was still carried on without fail, got no choice but to buy bread. Went to canteen 2 to eat, when Mr chua told me it is not good to eat bread when sick so I went to ordered noodles with soup. As Mr chua said that scientist had proven that if eat/drink minl products, will happen to produce more mucus. That is why I took that advice.

After lunch, we head back to bunk. I took this chance and sleep again as I felt very dizzy. The others played their usual computer games. At 2, we go back to foreign language school to have our lesson. Mr chua go through the past year paper. I understand what Mr chua says, but the moment I looked at the paper, I don’t know how to start with it.

At night, I started doing my journals as I was sick the last few days till now, I haven’t really do my journal. Then after my journals, it is time to study for my APPG.

About 10.15pm, Ben came into our bunk and told us Mr ma injured his leg and was in our nearby hospital for treatment. I myself was quite worried for him, so I decided to accompany Ben to the hospital to fetch him. Shu gen, Jia hui and Kenneth came along as they also quite worry for Mr ma. After we reached the hospital, I was shocked to see Mr ma leg was so swollen. He told us that his leg was much more painful just now.

The nurse told us that we had to wait for an hour, so we go nearby shops to buy bread and chat chit outside the hospital as we doesn’t want the hospital to be noisy. Mr ma also told us that he have this illness so he can’t drink beer or eat beans too much else will have the effect.

After all of us guided Mr ma back to bunk, I was worried that he doesn’t have any food to eat in the room as with the condition he had, it will be quite difficult for him to go down get food so I brought cup noodles to Mr ma but I only have TOM YAM, hopefully he can take it.

Day 33 5/04/09

Today we were planning to go to Han kou, Jiang Han Lou. So at we met at 10.30, went to canteen 2 to eat and then took bus to IT mall then change bus again to Han kou. I was sick but they really tempt me to go and they use the KEY WORD “SHOPPING!” I got no choice but to follow! Haha… So after our lunch in school, we took bus 907 to IT mall. After we arrived there, we couldn’t find the bus we wanted, so we split into 2 groups of 4 and took taxi to Han Kou. So nicki, stefen, shugen and I took a taxi. After we cross the bridge, the taxi driver said he doesn’t know where is the place and requested us to get the down the cab and get other cabs.
We were quite pissed off as the taxi driver said he knows how to get there but until we crossed the bridge then he said he wasn’t sure how to get there. So we gave him 25rmb instead of 29.30rmb.We ended up took 2 cab to reached Han kou.

We started to do our shopping and went to a shop called ATM mall, as recommended from Nicki’s friend. Indeed, there were lots of good stuff there and very nice lighters. I bought a shirt. It was not branded, I just like the design.
Then about 4pm, we went to Pizza hut to have pizza. We ended up spend 598rmb as we ordered more than 12 10’inch pizza and we also ordered tuna salad. Well, it was worth it as in Singapore we will not get this kind of price. Then Kenneth, jia hui, stefen and Ben go back to school first as they were tired. I wanted to go back but I wasn’t satisfied with my shopping. So continue shop with Shugen, Nicki and Jit shiong till 8 plus.

Then we went to a restaurant where it was inside the one of the shopping mall. It was a western restaurant so I ordered a steak with combination of pork that comes with spaghetti, soup and red wine.It cost my meal 68rmb only!!!!! Was very wroth it man!

The ambiance of the restaurant is very good, very suitable for couples or friends gathering. The food there was very cheap! After the dinner, we were very tired of shopping so we head straight home by taking cab back.

That night, I am very sick and I still took 80% cooked steak with wine… whoo! I reached bunk, head straight to bathe and sleep while the others went up to ernest room to celebrate ernest mum birthday and eat the cake!

Day 32 4/04/09

Saturday got no class, free an easy day. Last night, I played counter strike with the others till 1 odd. Sort of Bonding Sessions! But some of them played to late night like 3 plus 4. So all of us woke up late about 12 plus. Brushed our teeth, bathed and went out for lunch at canteen 2 with my usual group. After lunch, we went out to school nearby to collect Nick’s & Shugen’s clothes as they bought their clothes for dry-clean.
Then we went to nearby super mart to buy some herbal tea and herbal sweets for sore throats as I’m sick quite badly and others too. Shugen and me bought some medicine for our grandma as we are being told to do so. Lastly we bought some bread before heading back to dorm to rest.
At night after dinner, Nicki and the others bought their ice creams. I was sick but I am so tempted, so I ended up getting ice cream too! Haha…I was lying to myself that it was alright to get one. At night while it was time to sleep, I finally felt the effect. I felt damn cold and hot, so sick…

Well today we did nothing much, just a relaxing day for us. I now I realized that if you are sick or what, never try to be nerve to try ice cream or anything oily. And I still have fried rice for dinner! Argh!!! Oh ya… by the way, generally their service here are no good at all.
As I was asking which medicine is for spraying and rubbing, she just shouted and said want to buy then buy, then ask so many stupid questions. And after I bought 4 bottles, she threw the money on the table!

Friday 3 April 2009

Day 31 3/04/09

This morning we had APPG lesson in 9am.Mr ma went through the theory test paper. While going through the paper, I realized that I had a lot of mistakes. After that, Mr Ma gave back our test paper. Well… Guess what?! I am the hot star in the class man!
So called “HOT STAR” as I got the least marks in it and I failed very badly. Well… just got to blame myself for not studying. This really did an impact of me. Well after I saw Yalun score 90 yet he depressed as his didn’t scored well. I am wondering…I scored much lower than him but yet I think it was OK. Hmmm… At this moment of time, I did some reflection and came out a solution .I’m not serious in my work! But what was done cannot be undone. So I’m going to ask Mr Chua for help and I will have remedial on Monday.

After lunch and went back to bunk as afternoon all of us don’t have any lessons. My friends were playing counter strike but I took this chance to sleep as I will have remedial with Mr Chua later on.
At 2pm, I went to Mr Chua office to attend my solo remedial. Well… It was hard to go through with a LOW IQ, EQ etc so I bet Mr Chua had a hard time with me. But still he carries on to HOLD THE LINE! Till I got to understand until chapter 6 .
In that process of learning, I got to learn a lot of valuable lecture from Mr Chua.

He said, “ Some things are meant to be like this. You can’t change just because you like.You just have to accept the fact!” Well somehow I didn’t want to get his way of thinking as I still feel that my way of thinking is correct till he asked me “ why alphabet A is A?”

I said “Because it is meant to be A!” without thinking much. Then I realize what he was trying to divert me. He still said this to me, not asking me to love programming as I said I hate programming, but to take it as if I just have to accept it. He then said, neutralize it then hate it.
I tried the methods by using his philosophy and well… it helps a lot. So I try not to have negative view of programming.

At night, I do some of my mini project before I get my sleep. Today I really learned a lot due to my failure of my work! Well… I did learn my mistakes. Hopefully I’m still early to change the course to get better grades. Even I think back at my grade, I felt so pathetic man! Anyway… Good night man!

Thursday 2 April 2009

Day 30 2/04/09

This morning we had our Chinese traditional thought part 2 lecture, which continued from yesterday. Well others may not be really wanted to know more but for me, I just couldn’t wait for it to start man! I was so excited that I kept hurry my friends to walk faster. The lecturer talks about the Zhuang Zi story and his philosophy. There are quite a number of quotes that Zhuang Zi quoted. One of the famous quotes that we can be heard anywhere

He who knows does not speak.
He who speaks does not know.

One example in our life is that understand the conversation before you speak and speak clever. Not to speak without understand. This will prove you not observing enough.
After all the lecturers, I still follow my way of vision. I respect each and every religion though each has different ways of thinking. Born to live, get old and then die. For me this is just a process of how Mother Nature wants it to be. So instead of thinking so many problems or moan for the past, why not let’s enjoy this process and be happy on what we had. Well… Some have their different point of views in this subject. I am not a rich kid, but whenever I got to see someone that needs help or there is charity going on, I will donate without hesitate as I feel that I am happy to be in this state and others may need this money much more important than what we expected. That’s why I do good deeds rather than thinking that I am poor or I need these things a lot. As what I said, it is just my way of view.

In the afternoon, we had another lecturer that talks about Chinese feng shui and traditional wedding. Very Interesting subject as I hardly understand on how the Chinese wedding works. You see! I am a Chinese! Yet I know nothing! Haha… At least now I know the process on how it works like have to prepare a lot of gifts before wedding day.
Gosh… so going to save this presentation so that in future I can view back to use it as reference. We are also been taught on table manners so that in future we have Chinese client or wedding, we won’t do something embarrassed like put the chopsticks uneven or point anything using chopsticks! Weird uh!? You won’t get to know in our daily life as we won’t bother about it. Now is time for us to practice good habits!

For the feng Shui, I felt that it is some difficult to understand as it still need to based on the elements of astronomy, astrology, geology, physics, mathematics, philosophy, psychology and intuition. Well… I think I have to adjust my bed as I heard from the lecturer said that it is a bad feng shui to face the door. And talk about crystals, I will get some and place it in living room and my room as what I understand that the crystals can convert energy to good energy to bring us good energy. And no computers, or tv near my bed as it emits radiations.
No wonder my dad insist me not to get a tv in my room. Lastly, what I am going to do in order to bring wealth is to tie some ancient old coins together and place it together with my dad’s invoice or anything that brings in finance to you like bank book.
After hearing all these, sounds very interesting right!? This is one thing I like about IS modules is that I get to learn interesting topics.Espically I come to China, I just want more IS modules man!

Day 29 1/04/09

1 of April! Finally… another 13 days to fly back Singapore. Well… I am used to Wuhan now but I still want to get back as soon as possible as I miss my family especially my grandma. I miss the freshness air in Singapore, the climate of Singapore!

Back to realistic world! We had lecture lesson taught by the director which he talks about the Chinese traditional thoughts. I felt that this was a very fresh topic to me as I hardly got to know Chinese traditional thoughts. Normally what I had already known was the art of war and romance of three kingdoms that were both read from book. I played a game warrior orochi that have a lot of characters. Characters of all the 3 kingdoms Wu , Shu and Wei. It also includes Daji which the lecturer said that she was a cunning girl. At first, I didn’t know who Daji was till the lecturer explains as all I know were those famous character like Liu bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Cao cao, Zuo Ci, Zhou Yu etc.

This! I had to say it is very meaningful and I find it very realistic and true. It was the 8 words that represent Chinese national spirit and national character, which are Loyalty, piety, Humaneness, love, Faithfulness, righteousness, Peace, harmony. I felt that this is what a basic key focus that a person should have in heart. Another paragraph that I copied from slides and pasted it so to show you guys.[ When traveling in company of two other people, I could find my teachers. I would learn from their good points and guard against their bad ones. ] From my point of view, for me it is like I will get to learn good morals, extent my knowledge by going deep into China history.

Well, I think that to some extent that ren( 仁)can solve our social problems. It’s true that Ren in some ways can solve our social problems like to be show benevolence towards people. However, I felt that filial, loyalty to one's true nature is also important to a person. I also believe that it is true that to believe in Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, but it is still up to yourself that which path you want to take, the right or wrong side; the pure or the darkness, it is up to us. For me, I will always do what I feel is the right path to do.
At night, I started doing my mini project as I told myself that if I keep telling myself do it tomorrow, it will never happen. At least I tried to do some to prevent things pile up.
I scheduled my study plan so that I will not feel the stress. Alright! Time for me to do my mini project!