Saturday 18 April 2009

Day 41 13/04/09

Sadly this was our last day in Wuhan. Though all of us wanted to go back home badly but we also sort of have the feelings we had in Wuhan. Memories of happiness, sadness, the stress we had and the days with my buddies. We woke up at 12 and do a final touch up as we don’t want to pack our luggage at the very last minute. I had too many things to stuff in my luggage and ended up Nick, Kenneth and shu gen brainstorming and redo my packing of luggage.

Around 1pm, we went out near school to get our friend’s presents. After shopping, we went to help Ben to carry the drinks and snack for the closing ceremony. At 3 pm we went to take a group photo at outside of our campus. We took many idiotic shots, as this will be the last time taking group photos together in WUST. After that, about 5pm we went to foreign language school to have our closing ceremony. We had did some final interacting with the students, and took photos with them as a memory in Wuhan. In addition, we also played games and dance with them too. And I am the one who was been sabotage by my friends and got to go up the stage to dance with them. Well since it would be the last time here in Wuhan, well might as will be supportive right?! Haha.. I bet all of us will miss one another when leave the place.

Mr Ma and Mr Ann gave final last speech to us and farewells. At that point of time, I can really felt that my days in Wuhan were really ending and really miss every single thing at there! We then headed out to watch the firework display held at open space between the foreign language school and Business school. Well… I did played a lot of fire crackers but I realised this was different from what I used to play. After awhile, I knew it. It was because I am playing with my best friends and with my teachers. I really appreciate what Mr ma and Mr chua that really guide us and bring us enjoyment this period of time. Time really flies fast. When i was first week in wuhan, I told myself that oh man… China!? I prefer Singapore man. But now, I couldn’t bear to leave China, maybe you will get to understand me if you got to stay there for 6 weeks,
AND!!! With a bunch of best friends! (Gay friends forever man!!! To Shugen, Jia Hui, Kenneth, Nicki, Stefen, Jit Shiong, Ernest and Ben!) Not only that I had made a lot of very funny and good friends like Xin rong, Zhi hui , Chewy and others!

Anyway, I can’t wait to get back Singapore to see my grandmother and my family man! So miss them! Well… This trip, seriously, it was the best trip so far in my life man!

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