Sunday 12 April 2009

Day 37 9/04/09

Wake up late this morning, as usual went to canteen 2 to eat. After that, we went to foreign language school to have our mini project interview. After we reached, one by one all of us present our project; explain how it works and the usefulness to it. We also show our Lab 7 as we haven’t shown it to Mr ma. After the interview, we asked how Mr Ma’s leg is, hopefully he can recover fast and advised him again not to drink beer or eat beans stuff. Then we head back to our bunk to do our IS individual assignment till evening.

At night, all of us started to do our IS project. Quite stress up as the topic isn’t that easy as i thought. About 12 odd, Shugen fall asleep while doing, next Kenneth and Jia hui. So we continue it tomorrow.

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