Thursday 9 April 2009

Assignment 4: Individual Report - 15%

I have achieved what I set out to learn and discover during this period in Wuhan to a large extent. There are a lot of factors that actually helped me achieve my objectives.

Firstly in this trip, there were a lot of outings that bring us to different places. One of them is the metal steel factory on how they produce steel. Normally the industry doesn’t allow unauthorised people to go in. We manage to get in as the school negotiated with them. Other than that, we also visited the company of Yangtze Optical fibre. Not only that, the duration in China, I discover a lot of their style, their life in China. Our teachers also helped us achieve our objectives.

Some obstacle that I face was the food. Though the food was good but the amount of salt, the oil was a lot more than I expected to be. In order to prevent sickness, I drink a lot of water. And there is another obstacle that is I doesn’t know how to wash my clothes, till i learn from my friends on how to wash clothes to overcome my obstacle.

I have learned a lot of things. As told that I went to the company of Yangtze Optical fibre, I have learned the process of how they made the fibres. The 3 stages are first is to clean the glass rod, second is to melt the glass to form glass wire and being coated twice of special chemical. Thirdly, is to have the product inspect session.

After visiting some scenic places like the museum, Wudang shan , yellow crane tower. I learned a lot of the great history of China, like the romance of the 3 kingdom.
I also have lesson that introduce Chinese traditional thoughts, and the Feng Shui lesson. It was very interesting as I can understand what the Chinese are thinking, the way of doing things. I have learnt some feng shui like the bed shouldn’t face directly in front of the door which is a bad feng shui.

For shopping, while I was shopping in Wuhan, I realised that international brand is expensive than local. And for their own brand like 361 degrees, peak etc are much cheaper a lot. And have a lot of roadsides stalls at night. They also sell puppies at roadsides and you can either cook it or adopt it. Compare to Singapore, it was way too different. In Singapore, you are aware of not to litter etc. Over in China, people just split saliva on the floor, litter anywhere everywhere. In shopping mall, citizens were told not to smoke in there but nobody bother to care the sign broad and smoke inconsiderate.

After I reviewed the questions i framed, I have found most of the answers in China. Firstly, I had understand on how the style of life they live, the standard of living. Did an observation on how they make their deals and how they communicate. Secondly, after boarded the cruise, and visited the 3 gorges dam. I get to know their technology and those magnificent structures which they created. It can manipulate the water level and produce mass electricity current. Thirdly, I get to know the lifestyle in China. And their daylight end earlier than Singapore. At 7pm it is completely dark. Went to their IT mall and explore. Their IT mall are a lot much bigger than Sim lim. Regardless inside the shopping mall or outside at the roadside, everywhere they sells electronic stuff. Forth, after I stayed in China, I can understand how bad the pollution they made, like black thick smokes out from the car’s exhaust pipe. Now i can understand why China is rank first that release most carbon dioxide.
Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get to see a lot of their martial arts through i heard China are very famous in it. One area I got to see was only at the Wudang Shan which was nothing much.

After I attend the China’s lecture on Business negotiation, business etiquette, Business strategy, I understand a lot of things and will use it in future. I can practice these skills as so ijn future i can use it to deal with client easily.

I truly understand the cross cultural issues the difference of both country Singapore and China.
China has a lot of areas that need to improve like corruption unlike Singapore. Singapore has some areas that can also learn which was like how they preserve the history of past, the culture, uses natural resources to produce electricity current.

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