Thursday 2 April 2009

Day 29 1/04/09

1 of April! Finally… another 13 days to fly back Singapore. Well… I am used to Wuhan now but I still want to get back as soon as possible as I miss my family especially my grandma. I miss the freshness air in Singapore, the climate of Singapore!

Back to realistic world! We had lecture lesson taught by the director which he talks about the Chinese traditional thoughts. I felt that this was a very fresh topic to me as I hardly got to know Chinese traditional thoughts. Normally what I had already known was the art of war and romance of three kingdoms that were both read from book. I played a game warrior orochi that have a lot of characters. Characters of all the 3 kingdoms Wu , Shu and Wei. It also includes Daji which the lecturer said that she was a cunning girl. At first, I didn’t know who Daji was till the lecturer explains as all I know were those famous character like Liu bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Cao cao, Zuo Ci, Zhou Yu etc.

This! I had to say it is very meaningful and I find it very realistic and true. It was the 8 words that represent Chinese national spirit and national character, which are Loyalty, piety, Humaneness, love, Faithfulness, righteousness, Peace, harmony. I felt that this is what a basic key focus that a person should have in heart. Another paragraph that I copied from slides and pasted it so to show you guys.[ When traveling in company of two other people, I could find my teachers. I would learn from their good points and guard against their bad ones. ] From my point of view, for me it is like I will get to learn good morals, extent my knowledge by going deep into China history.

Well, I think that to some extent that ren( 仁)can solve our social problems. It’s true that Ren in some ways can solve our social problems like to be show benevolence towards people. However, I felt that filial, loyalty to one's true nature is also important to a person. I also believe that it is true that to believe in Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, but it is still up to yourself that which path you want to take, the right or wrong side; the pure or the darkness, it is up to us. For me, I will always do what I feel is the right path to do.
At night, I started doing my mini project as I told myself that if I keep telling myself do it tomorrow, it will never happen. At least I tried to do some to prevent things pile up.
I scheduled my study plan so that I will not feel the stress. Alright! Time for me to do my mini project!


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