Sunday 12 April 2009

Day 38 10/04/09

We woke up this morning 9.45am as planned and when to canteen 2 to eat. Save some money for shopping so have to be budget. We took the public bus to IT mall as we thought of getting more MP4 for our relatives and friends. After we reached there, we realised that the road stalls outside the mall wasn’t open. After checking with the locals, it only opens in the Saturday and Sunday. HOW SAD! So we decided to try searching it in the malls. How surprise!
We found the Ipod but after long decisions we bought back the mp4 we had, as the fake Ipod is very lousy. No wonder it is made it China.

Then we took cab to Han kou to shop for more stuff! I ended up bought 2 umbrellas, 1 dress for my sister, 2 clothes and 1 pair of shoe! Oh ya.. I happened to see this scene. There was a sport shop where all the sales people gather outside the shop. They do briefing outside the shop, and after that they end with a JIA YOU mean they will work hard to pull up the sales. I also bought some souvenirs for my friends. You will be wondering why I bought 2 umbrellas right? Their design of the outer umbrella is actually a wine bottle, very creative!

At night, we went back to school to have our dinner, and went back to do our IS project.

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